Designed to fit through a standard doorway, the Bungee Mobility Trainer was invented by a physical therapist to be the most natural way to provide adjustable body weight support. Besides being an excellent training tool, it is ideal for allowing individuals with compromised balance and strength to participate in many recreational activities like putting a golf ball or playing Wii games that would otherwise be unsafe and prohibited.
For very weak individuals with limited upper extremity and trunk strength, Bungee Mobility Forearm supports can be special ordered. These supports swivel around two axis to allow for optimal forearm position and are equipped with forearm straps and vertical handlebars.
Key Benefits
Enhance re-acquisition of motor abilities
Improve balance
Reduce number of therapists needed
Too often physical frailty is seen as a fact of life for the elderly. Reduced strength in the lower limbs and overall weakness can lead to increased risk of falls and increasingly reduced participation in Activities of Daily Living. Until now, however, therapists, program managers and restorative care workers have had few, if any practical tools to change this situation. The NeuroGym Technologies unique line of mobility training devices provides rehabilitation departments, long term care and nursing facilities with a solution.
The Bungee Mobility Trainer is one of several mobility enabling tools designed by NeuroGym Technologies to promote the motor-relearning process and signicantly improve patient mobility. Each piece of equipment can be used on its own or combined with a biofeedback-based computer program.